Kingsbury Elementary School serves approximately 580 students in grades preschool through five. Our school curriculum, staff, and environment provides a variety of opportunities for student achievement and parent and community involvement.
The elementary school curriculum for grades preschool through five emphasizes basic and higher level skills in reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, science, and health. In addition, a balanced curriculum is provided with instruction in art, music, and physical education. Enrichment through media centers, science labs, and technology is also provided.
Kingsbury Elementary School offers full-day kindergarten. The program provides children with a rich variety of experiences that help them develop skills fundamental to writing, reading, mathematics, social studies, science, and fine arts. A certified teacher and a teacher’s aide staff each class. Students in grades one through five are in self-contained or modified block classrooms with the majority of their instruction being facilitated by one teacher. In some instances, team teaching is used to support instructional needs of students.